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I It Solutions / Service Details

Production Planning

We designed this version of our ERP to fit in any production line businesses. If i describe it further than we developed to go for Process to Process production. Also you can add labour, electricity charges to get accurate costing (Estimated / Landed)

One time

Costing / Production


Why we say Advance Production because we've developed this version to get Production process to advance level. It means you can customise your production process one time and in that you can also set product in/out, labour, electricity charges too.

You can manage which work is currently under process and how much time it will take to complete that. Also you can see that which department is currently under work.

After all process completes you can get estimated costing and landed costing so that you can check that where you're missing something or take new decisions based on our reports!

Because this version is all about push down Costing and also Estimated costing and Landed one.

You can also manage that on our job work screen and get reports with timings on how many products are given for job work.

Not at all! because you have to set production process only once and than after you can manage it by just few button press. Means you can complete process by just pressing button and second process will start and department will also show that it is resereved for that task. Also it includes QC and Holding process too.