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I It Solutions / Service Details

Transport Management with Accounting

Our ERP solutions are flexible and dynamic which perfectly fits in transport industry at the same time we can say that whatever your work scenario is, like Part load, Full Load , Cargo Services, Fleet Management. Also we provide some special reports and specially designed screens if you run your transport with your own vehicles to get most accurate PROFIT and EXPENSE statements from your business.

Account Effects

Part/Full Load Entries

Export Reports
In Excel & PDF

You can set accounting methods as per your business model, Also you can set Payment and Receipt effects even on Transporter, Consignor, Consignee, Bill Party and GST account effects too!

If you want to fix rates of your transport locations than you can set it with our location wise price list and also you can set discounts in that price list too!

Our ERP also carries LR Track, GPS Tracking, Client Login, Driver Login and FREE Basic Application facilities!!!

Yes! we can say that we are perfect for your established business model because we are dynamic and flexible. And for your HARDCORE model we are providing CUSTOMIZATION facilities as our PREMIUM service!

If we talk about default path we go like : Lr Entry, Memo Entry, Memo Receive, Delivery of Memo, Delivery of Lr, Invoice (Sales, Trans, Supplimentry) for Part Load, Lr Track and Full Load too!

It's quite simple! you can enter your vehicle trips and expenses in our Trip Entry screen and at a time of requirement you can check reports for profit.